Learning and Achievement

Learning and Achievement2024-08-30T02:35:45+00:00

By connecting to the real world of students’ lives, authentic learning enables students to become lifelong learners who contribute to society and the wider world as active and discerning citizens. Authentic learning is central to our work as Catholic educators because it promotes the continual growth and wellbeing of the whole person — spiritually, intellectually, emotionally, socially and physically.

At St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School Rockdale we aim to deliver a contemporary curriculum that:

  • provides high quality learning opportunities;
  • takes place in an optimum learning environment;
  • caters for all students; and,
  • is relevant to and makes connections with the students’ world.

All teachers and support staff work collaboratively to plan, program, reflect on and evaluate all aspects of teaching and learning. This includes the use of innovative and contemporary teaching approaches and utilising the expertise of specialist teachers. The effective use of technology, as a tool for integrated learning across the curriculum, is a major focus. Technology is used in all grades through interactive whiteboards, laptops, tablet and chrome books. Students continue to develop Information and Communication Technology (ICT) skills through the use of websites, standalone programs, specific apps and online membership programs on a range of devices. They have become familiar with using the Cloudshare platform and developed their collaborative skills in this environment. ICT is a tool that is integrated into all areas of school life. Students participate in specialist Physical Education programs including dance, athletics, gymnastics and swimming.


In addition classroom teachers plan and implement weekly sessions to develop fitness, ball skills and games. We also employ specialist teachers for Music, Dance, Drama and Art. Teachers design, implement and evaluate differentiated programs that actively engage students as independent learners. The use of success criteria and learning intentions provide opportunities for students to have a voice in their learning. Data is gathered, analysed and interpreted to track and monitor the progress of students.